About Us

In 1948 Peter Prowting became a director of his family’s construction company, Prowting, originally started by his father in 1912. He became chairman in 1955 and the business floated in 1988. After a number of property company sales, Peter Prowting retired from the helm of the business leaving the business in the hands of a management team.
Sadly, Peter Prowting passed away suddenly on 11th May 2018 at the age of 93, leaving behind his wife of 51 years, Liz Prowting, two grandsons, Barry and Kevin and three great grandchildren.
However, whilst his business legacy continues to flourish with great success, Peter was adamant that his fortune in life should be shared with those who have been or are less fortunate. The Charitable Foundation was therefore created on 27th April 2014 so that it might make grants in support of any purpose or organisation considered charitable by the Charity Commission of England and Wales.
It was Peter’s wish that, when choosing charities to benefit from the support of the ‘Foundation’, primary consideration should be given to charities devoted to the wellbeing of dogs and horses. This was later expanded to include the treatment, rehabilitation, and general care of injured jockeys and the support and or research into the prevention, treatment and cure of cancer, heart conditions, dementia and Parkinson’s disease.

Peter Prowting felt strongly that the ‘Foundation’ should only consider making a grant towards projects where the grant will be applied to further one or more specific projects, the research funded is likely to yield practical benefits and the grant will be used to fund something tangible such as equipment or infrastructure. It was his wish that the grant should not be used to fund general running and administrative costs. It is the aim of the trustees of the Prowting Charitable Foundation to, as far as is possible, make grants that will make a real difference to the recipient charity. For that reason, the trustees will look carefully into the administrative and financial management of all potential recipients to ensure that the value of any grant made will be managed correctly and to the benefit of those supported by the charity.